Board of Directors

Would you like to be a part of the Board of Directors for Coosawattee River Resort?​ If you are in good standing, please fill out this application and when completed, email to

Download Board Application


Would you like to join one of the committees? ​Please fill out this application and when completed, email to

Download Committee Application

  • Primary responsibility is to review, approve, and/or deny construction permits for new homes, additions, modifications, and land disturbance requests. The ARC is also responsible for reviewing variance requests and recommending approvals or denials to the Board. The ultimate goal of the ARC is to keep our property values up.

    Bill Elliott, Chair

    Timmy Bennett

    Jorge Fernandez

    Trevor Davison

    Malcolm Carter

    Larry Dorr

    Richard Stonecipher

  • The CCC is responsible for providing communications between the Board of Directors, the management company, and the property owners. The primary output of the CC are posts on the Official Facebook Page. This is the only official social media outlet for Coosawattee. Since CCC's output is a formal communication from the Board it requires levels of review and approval that unauthorized social media platforms do not. This provides owners with correct and unbiased information from your Board and General Manager.

    Marilyn Mower, Chair

    June Stone

    Al Cash

    Shirley Starling

  • The ECC is responsible for identifying environmental issues in our community and recommending policies and procedures to the Board to address these issues. The committee will research and recommend best environmental management practices, develop community education programs, and help implement recommended watershed management best practices.

    Deborah Rupp, Chair

    Jeff Jackman

    Fred Partin

    Mike Fulghums

    Nick Jackson

    Roy Briggs

  • The primary responsibilies of the GDC are (1) to review By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, and Committee Charters of CRRA as directed by the Board of Directors; (2) to prepare recommended changes, amendments, or corrections for a vote of approval at a meeting of the CRRA Board of Directors and; (3) to address any other Governing Document issues as directed by the Board as necessary.

    Susan Dorr, Chair

    Bob Hazzard

    Carla Schunck

    Russ Bielich

    John Di Renzo

    Jeff Edmonson

    Scott Shaw

  • The primary responsibility of the NC is to nominate qualified individuals for Board of Director positions in accordance with Article IV (A) 7 and (D) 19 of our By-laws. It also makes recommendations to the Board for schedules and deadlines for the annual election of vacated BOD seats.

    Bill Elliott, Chair

    Susan Decker

    Marilyn Mower